Saturday, February 02, 2008

Vermont Real Estate

Who can imagine their breakfast without those delectable pancakes? Imagine your breakfast without the pancakes, oozing with the viscose maple syrup with a slice of butter on top. Now, here’s another question, “Which state produces the most maple syrup and the most dairy products in the United States?” If your answer was the state of Vermont then you got it right.

Vermont was once declared as the Republic of Vermont. It is one of only five states to have become a sovereign country, the others being, Hawaii, Texas, California, and of course the Florida Parishes of Louisiana. It’s amazing to note how what was once a sovereign nation is now a state, a part of an even bigger nation. We all have our pasts, right? But Vermont was still declared as part of the Union, the 14th state.

Located in the New England Region of the United States, Vermont real estate can pride itself as the leading producer of maple in the country. Maple and other dairy products has been for century the anchor that has kept this state from becoming a subject of torment of economic and financial quagmire.

It’s wonderful to live in a state like Vermont real estate and to take part in a wonderful industry called the Dairy Industry. Imagine that you’re feeding the nation with the finest maple syrup everyday; you’re part of their breakfast and their life in general. Imagine that you’re the hat glass of milk that the children drink to fall fast asleep when the boogie man is bothering them. This is the pride of Vermont.

To invest in Vermont real estate is to invest for your future. Even if Vermont is but a small region in the New England region of the nation, it brings a lot of things to the table. Not only does it feel good to live in a place where the cool breeze blows now and then and the lush green plains welcome your sight, it also pays. It pays to take advantage of Vermont and invest in the dairy industry like all others.

Investing in Vermont real estate may be the best change in your life. You never know that this life change may be the opportunity to shift from an extremely stressful and unlivable life to a life of bliss and happiness. Vermont is nothing short of beautiful. Its mountains welcome you; the sun that shines brightly in the lake that borders it is surreal. Vermont is simply amazing to be in and to be a part of.

Its people are also amazing. They vehemently live their lives, milking the cow, making butter, making maple syrup and enjoying the simplicity of life itself. This is how life should be lived. It shouldn’t be stressed on for what is live with stress? With stress the only part of your life that you live in is the bad and nasty part, right?

A very bright, blissful, and happy future waits, if you invest and take your chances in Vermont real estate.

46. Virginia

The State of Virginia or Commonwealth of Virginia was the wealthiest state before the Civil War erupted. After its revolt from the British colony during the American Revolution, it is one of the states that have recovered fast in terms of its economy. Virginia real estate slowly rose. Today, Virginia is considered one of the wealthiest states in the southern part of the United States.

Mother of Presidents

Virginia is popularly known as the “Mother of Presidents”. The state is home for eight past US presidents, the first four presidents and including the popular George Washington. It is also known as the “Mother of States”. This is because portions of Virginia eventually became a state itself, like Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia and some portions of Ohio.

There are two public national universities that are located in Virginia that belongs to the top ten in the United States. These universities have been consistently on the top. The oldest military school is also in this state, the Virginia Military Institute.

How Climate Affects Business

Because of Virginia’s humid climate, it is considered by some prospective business investors to be the right place for an investment. Investors are targeting Virginia real estate as an answer. Two amazing theme parks are summer attractions for families, and most especially for the kids. These parks are known as the best in the world. The Busch Gardens Europe has been voted “The Worlds Most Beautiful Theme Park”. It is found in Williamsburg. It is home for adult and kids, offering the most thrilling rides, making it the all time favorite theme park. Another is the Kings Dominion found north of Richmond, which is the capital of Virginia, is a huge theme park with more than a hundred rides to choose from. It has been attracting large number of visitors, averaging 13 million a year.

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